If it weren't for the discovery of penicillin, 200 million more people would have died across the world from various bacterial infections.
That discovery sparked what I call "The Golden Age of Antibiotics".
But I'm warning you...
That Golden Age is over.
The truth is, the comfortable world as we have known it for the last 60 years is coming rapidly to an end. Bacteria are deadly and the short period of time where we were able to control them is vanishing fast.
Even as you read this, a new strain of superbugs could be emerging somewhere, just a handful of resistant germs; but because of their fantastic power of multiplication (doubling every 20 minutes or so), that new strain could be all over the Earth within months, or even weeks!
It seems every day now there are stories of people dying because NONE of the antibiotics doctors gave them worked.
A woman in Nevada recently died from a drug-resistant bacteria. If you think this is only happening in third world countries, you're wrong...
Qualified in medicine MB ChB (same as MD) in Manchester, UK in 1970, Dr. Scott-Mumby almost immediately began research into controversial alternative medicine.
Dr. Scott-Mumby made medico-legal history in 1986, when a UK Crown Court accepted his evidence that food allergy was capable of making a youth murderously violent; by 1990 the press were calling him "Britain's Number One Allergy Detective".
Dr. Scott-Mumby has published several books in this field and been interviewed by many TV and radio stations worldwide, as a recognized expert in alternative health paradigms.
Dr. Scott-Mumby now writes and lectures internationally on the themes of he currently has on cutting-edge alternative medicine, energy medicine, cancer research alternatives, and anti-aging science.
He has over 35 years of knowledge and clinical experience which he writes about in his 15 published books.
"The Truth Is: You can't hold back bacteria. They are too overwhelmingly numerous and powerful. Bacteria are EVERYWHERE. Did you know..Your own body, incredibly, is 10% bacteria by dry weight?"
In the days before antibiotics not everyone died of their infections. There were scores of great, workable non-drug solutions to infections. These remedies still work!
You need to get to know them, get re-acquainted with our folklore and natural heritage again and fast. You never know when the next outbreak will sweep your neighborhood.
There are also MANY modern developments, some of which will eclipse any reliance on antibiotics altogether. We now have electronic machines capable of destroying bacteria and other pathogens.
It's important to strengthen your immune defences. But you also need to go on a short education course of learning what your antibiotic-alternative options are.
To make it easy for you, I’ve compiled a special comprehensive book of ALL the suitable alternatives, with scientific studies to support them.
You’ll be amazed just how many humble home remedies and plant-based solutions have been studied scientifically and demonstrated to work effectively. There are scores and scores of them!
PLUS, I'll share with you lots of very modern possibilities that were not even dreamed of in the era before antibiotics.
You probably know that one of the reasons we have antibiotic resistant bacteria threatening our very lives is that these wonder drugs have been overused. Doctors are partly to blame.
But did you know that the MAIN problem comes from farmers abusing antibiotics, administering them to livestock to keep them “healthy” while raising animals in cruel and unhygienic conditions?
This continuous feeding of antibiotics naturally creates resistant bacteria, which come to us in our food and so the problem is spread widely and uncontrolledly.
Yes, doctors don’t take enough care in what they prescribe. But agriculture and the farming “industry” is probably the biggest culprit and the one that threatens your children the most. 70% of all antibiotics in the USA, for example, are fed to healthy chickens, pigs and cattle.
Unquestionably, sensible people don’t want to use antibiotics at all. So we should use other remedies first and only fall back on antibiotics when the threat is very serious.
You can serve yourself, your family, and your community well by learning what to do INSTEAD of antibiotics.
Strangely, natural remedies don’t seem to create resistant strains. You can use them freely and with good effect, yet not store up serious problems for the future.
Did you know a certain color light kills bacteria? Fresh air and sunlight are very healing, as every Mom knows. But laboratory testing puts it on a firm footing, showing that one color in particular blasts organisms dead.
Honey works well. Patients with MRSA have been emailing their wild success. But really one particular brand of honey from one particular corner of the planet is the magic I recommend.
You can inject a substance that would burn holes in the carpet straight into a human vein. It produces an overwhelming immune response and has brought some patients back from death.
You think I’m crazy?
I’ve done it to myself MORE THAN ONCE when a severe infection supervened and I’m not crazy—it works every time! (I don’t ask patient to accept anything that I wouldn’t do to myself).
The best answer of all is not to get infections. I haven’t had even a cold for over a decade and I’ll share with you the big secrets of how I stay so healthy, even in my 7th decade.
This is an education, not just a book. You need to get this learning NOW before it’s too late. In the course of time you will be looked up to as a wise person who had the foresight to think and plan ahead and learn the new rules before the referee’s starting whistle!
ACT NOW! Believe me, in the heat of a crisis, with someone you love slipping away before your eyes, is not the time to start Googling to see what your alternative options are!
This ESSENTIAL BOOK covers EVERYTHING you need to know, from soapy water and drawing salves, through scores of fine natural remedies, to an array of PROVEN herbs and oils, to sophisticated modern devices that can blast microbes to smithereens, without harming a single cell in your body.
Some of these alternatives perform BETTER than antibiotics. For example, one plant extract (you can drink the infusion) has better antibiotic properties than tetracyclcine and vancomycin, according to a full scientific trial. Vancomycin is acknowledged as the "last ditch" antibiotic that may (or may not) save someone with MRSA.
This book covers everything you need to know about REAL safe and effective natural antibiotic alternatives, the science behind them, and how to use them.
Get your copy of this sensational and much-needed book today...
But that's not all...I added a few special bonuses to sweeten the pot.You will get these three amazing FREE bonus MP3 audios:Listen to Prof. Keith interview three top experts in the field of alternative and preventative medicine. They'll share with you what THEY would do to protect themselves in the event of a world without antibiotics.
These are downloadable MP3 audios. Total running time, 90 minutes. Total Value: $201. YOURS FREE! |
For being smart and taking the step to protect yourself and your loved ones, I'm offering one more extra bonus. You can instantly get a FREE copy this special complementary report.
It perfectly complements the antibiotics eBook and will further protect you and your family against future viral infections.
Listen to me interview world-class SCENAR experts John and Lorraine Hache about the power of this unique Russian device to kill off infections FAST.
This remarkable device is described and recommended in How to Survive In A World Without Antibiotics the antibiotics eReport and will further protect you and your family against future infections*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The products offered on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should always ask your doctor before using any products. (the device is registered in the USA for a different use). These restrictions do not apply, of course, to the rest of the world.
"How to Survive In A World Without Antibiotics," is your chance to protect yourself and your family against the very real threat of antibiotic resistance.
What would you invest to get this life-saving book, MP3 audio book, 3 free groundbreaking MP3 interviews, a special free report, and discover a healing tool that could save your life?
This is your chance to get educated before it's too late! Antibiotic resistance is REAL and you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.
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Best Value GET BOTH |
P.S. Don't wait. You need this information NOW, before anyone falls sick and you're told "It's a resistant strain." This is a healing and learning process for health, not just a book.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby